Opintojen takia veljeni muutti Kotkaan jokunen aika sitten. Minun oli tarkoitus tehdä hänelle tämä nerokas tuparilahja ja antaa se, kun muutto koittaisi. En todellakaan tiedä, mitä tapahtui - veljeni muutti pois kahdeksan kuukautta sitten ja sain lahjan valmiiksi vasta pari viikkoa sitten. No, parempi myöhään kuin ei milloinkaan, right?
Because of studies my brother moved to Kotka a while ago. I was supposed to make him this ingenious housewarming gift and give it to him when he would leave this city. I honestly don't know what happened - it's been eight months since my brother moved away and it's been a couple of weeks since I finished making this gift. Well, better late than never, right?
The idea is fairly simple in all its brilliance; you make a hollow book yourself and fill the hole with a pocket flask. Whether the gift receiver goes to college, moves away or gets a new job, this is quite suitable. Well, probably not for a new job. But for educational occasions and moving away for sure.
You simply buy a book (I bought mine from the flea market - it cost 1.20 euros. 1.20 euros for a thick book with one-colored cover? So 1.20 euros for the perfect book? Fair enough), then gather all of your strength and perseverance and after doing all the necessary measurements you carve out the insides of the book with a razor blade knife. I've never done anything like this before, so I found these (< click) eligible step-by-step instructions and they saved a whole lot of both my time and nerves.
After brutally carving out the insides of this innocent book I checked that the pocket flask actually fit in the hole. And it did! After this I designed a desirable text and added some tape on the book cover to make sure all the letters would be the same size. Then I wrote the text "how to make friends in Kotka" with a silver marker.
The spine had an actual title. This is why I cut out a piece of black fabric, wrote the same title on this fabric as well and with regular glue glued it onto the spine. And this project is finished! So clever, so unexpected and so worth it. After lots of confusion while reading the first pages I'd saved, my brother finally turned the page seven and revealed a pocket flask. His expression was priceless!
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